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Dienstag, September 04, 2012

Color-Quest or: how blogger Holly Becker's book made my day brighter without even opening it

LUST AUF WOHNEN: Das große Ideenbuch

Decorate: 1,000 Design Ideas for Every Room in Your Home
Today I got back from college, where I scavenged our uniquely well sorted library again and took a bite on the sunny balcony with my newest prey: the German version of Holly Becker's Interior Design book DECORATE! ^-^ Some of you might know Holly as the writer of decor8 - one of the most popular lifestyle & interior decoration blogs out there.

Since it's a library book, they removed the book wrapper and I was totally in love with the color of the naked hard-cover already when I saw it standing in the shelf.
Because the german edition's cover looks like this:
Oh, and here's just a little sneak peek of the inside;)

BUT! Now to the clue!

What happend was this: I layed the book on our kitchen table while I was making some green tea and then just en passant I turned around and there it was!
A DREAM of Color-Combination!!!

Maybe it's just me, and maybe I'm crazy, but THIS must have been one of those "happy accidents" Bob Ross  (r.i.p. <3) used to talk about!
I had used a small mirror with a green frame before, that was still lying on the also green covered table, next to the package of my green tea bags, and one of these kitchen clips in pink as well as my only retro-rosé knife were also (fortunately) not put away yet.
All this together gave me an instant Kick of Joy!!! I just HAD to get my camera!

C'mon isn't it splendid?!!? =D

After being so unexpectedly and extremely inspired I decided to go on a COLOR-QUEST through our apartment! =) 
(that's just so much better to spend an afternoon than working on exam preparations.. ehem...*whistling innocently*)

Here's what I found....
(And pleeeease please excuse the bad photo quality on some pics...My camera's not of the newest technique and already has some errors and focus problems... If anyone has a DSLR camera for sale??...MAIL ME! ;)

my proudly presented ICONS book collection from beloved TASCHEN Verlag publishing ;)

Neon wool!


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